[email protected]
Brad Geyer represents clients in antitrust, compliance, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), money laundering, grant fraud, procurement fraud, RICO, securities, tax, and whistleblower actions. He advises on crisis management, conducts internal investigations, and assists corporations with compliance and risk management issues. On January 11, 2017, he found time for an occasional blog entry at GrantFraud.Com where he tracks case filings and enforcement agency trends.
Mr. Geyer draws upon 21 years of extensive experience in investigations, prosecutions, and program management through a multitude of investigations and prosecutions with the alphabet soup of enforcement agencies both inside and outside the United States. Working with an experienced team, his risk assessments and legal advice is informed by organizational dynamics that form and evolve between and among investigative and prosecutorial teams; relationships that form across agencies through the ebb and flow of investigations and agency initiatives, reassignments and retirements. Agents, prosecutors and management chains all react differently to inter-agency competition, their resource allocation decisions are all effected by a multiplicity of intake requirements, and management priorities, and the perceived likelihood of success can be measured by agencies in a variety of ways. What are the official rationales for devoting resources to or withdrawing resources from an investigation? How does risk tolerance of management chains affect resourcing and outcomes and what are the strengths and weaknesses of different agencies and how are these affected by the organizational configuration of the investigative team and its transition into the prosecutorial team? How are decisions impacted by game theory? In any complex defense or in any effort to eliminate or mitigate risk, these are just a few of the factors that should be extensively monitored, informing tactics and strategy in real time.
Mr. Geyer spent his 21-year public career as a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice. He left in October 2012 to become a founding partner of GeyerGorey LLP. During his career he was assigned to and reported up through the Assistant Attorney Generals of both the Antitrust and Criminal Divisions in two successive Presidential administrations. While with the Antitrust Division, Mr. Geyer worked on complex fraud investigations and prosecutions. He served overlapping details as a Special Assistant United States Attorney (SAUSA) to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (October 2001 through May 2010) and as a Criminal Division trial attorney in Washington, D.C. (March 2007 through June 2010). While assigned to the Criminal Division, Mr. Geyer served as a Special Assistant to Antitrust Division Deputy Assistant Attorney General Scott Hammond and, simultaneously, as Special Counsel to National Procurement Fraud Task Force Executive Director Steve Linick. In October 2009, Mr. Geyer was selected to be the first procurement fraud prosecutor detailed to Iraq. After serving in Iraq, he became a Special Counsel, continuing his liaison role between the Antitrust and Criminal Divisions on fraud matters, during which time he worked with federal investigative agencies around the world on fraud enforcement and case development until his resignation.
- White Collar Defense
- Corporate Compliance
- Electronic Discovery
- Grand Jury Practice
- Internal Investigation
- International Antitrust Cartel Prosecutions
- Procurement Fraud
- FCPA, AML, Kickbacks, Wire Fraud, Money Laundering
- Qui Tams
- Level 5 TS-SCI Clearance
United States Department of Justice (Antitrust Division (ATR), Criminal Division (CRM), US Attorney’s Office); Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C.
Trial Attorney, Special Counsel (ATR) 1991 through March 2007 and June 2010 to present
Special Assistant to Deputy Assistant Attorney General (ATR) March 2007 through June 2010
Special Counsel and Trial Attorney (CRM) March 2007 through June 2010
Special Assistant United States Attorney (USAO-EDPA) October 2001 through March 2007
- Supervised prosecutions of price fixing, bid rigging, and fraud in a host of industries spanning many agencies. Prosecuted cases involving guns, drugs, bank robberies, identity theft, money laundering, and tax offenses. Conducted international investigations through all stages of prosecution in multiple jurisdictions.
- As the first Special Counsel to National Procurement Fraud Task Force (NPFTF), reported to its Director and to the leadership within both the Antitrust and Criminal Divisions, performed initial case intake, case reviews and investigations of significant procurement fraud investigations prosecuted by the Department. Counseled the Deputy Assistant Attorney General regarding all matters related to the Antitrust Division’s procurement fraud mission and helped design and implement a variety of programs and procedures to fully integrate its procurement fraud mission with other components of government. Served as ATR’s Liaison with the Criminal Division on FCPA and qui tam matters where assignments overlapped. Served as member on the following NPFTF committees: Steering, Intelligence, Training and Suspension and Debarment.
- Prepared talking points, speeches, official correspondence, congressional testimony and briefing papers. Represented NPFTF at Joint Operations Center (JOC) Board of Governor meetings of the International Contract Corruption Task Force (ICCTF) and conducted law enforcement training sessions for numerous agencies and for agents deploying to Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait.
- Tracked all DOJ procurement fraud investigations involving overseas contingency operations and arranged and attended briefings with Criminal Division leadership. Also tracked public filings for all procurement fraud matters and oversaw NPFTF website.
- Mediated programmatic disputes between DOJ divisions and offices, and investigative agencies spanning civilian and military agencies; conceived and executed successful communications and anti-fraud marketing programs for investigative and prosecutorial agencies; assisted in planning and participated as instructor at National Advocacy Center Procurement Fraud Training courses for DOJ attorneys; developed best practices procedures and disseminated to field; designed anti-fraud pilot training program for US Agency for International Development non-government agencies and Millennium Challenge entities; chaired regional fraud conferences and presented anti-fraud training in numerous venues.
In July 2008, conducted NPFTF fact-finding mission to Iraq sponsored by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR). For three months in 2009, served as FBI’s first procurement fraud prosecutor detailed to Iraq where performed briefing obligations to the Ambassador, the Rule of Law Coordinator (RLC) and the Justice Attaché and, while reporting directly to the NPFTF Director, coordinated investigative activities with the JOC of the ICCTF while serving as point of contact for investigative agents deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. Improved provision of agent service, coordination with RLC, the DOJ Office of International Affairs and other DOJ entities, and established better cooperation and procedures between DOJ and Staff Judge Advocates. Also assisted the creation of enhanced procedures for securing witness testimony in procurement fraud prosecutions in the United States and assisted in the development of procedures for referring Iraqis and third-party nationals for prosecution by Iraqi authorities in procurement fraud cases.
- Typically recipient of performance bonuses, “outstanding” evaluations and awards including the Outstanding Contribution Award from the Assistant Attorney General of the Antitrust Division. Also attended numerous Senior Litigators Conferences, International Cartel Conferences and has presented at numerous events.
- As Chairman of the Information Technology Reform Committee from 2004 through 2006, conducted thorough study of Antitrust Division’s information technology and recommended reforms that positioned the Antitrust Division at the forefront among government prosecutorial agencies at electronic discovery capabilities.