Tanzania’s Contract Registration Board Holds First Procurement Fraud Best Practices Workshop With Assistance From GeyerGorey LLP

From February 25 through March 1st 2013, at the Grand Hyatt in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the Contractors’ Registration Board (CRB) of Tanzania hosted the first in a series of comprehensive multi-day procurement fraud training programs.


PRLog (Press Release) – Mar. 21, 2013 – From February 25 through March 1st 2013, at the Grand Hyatt in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the Contractors’ Registration Board (CRB) of Tanzania hosted the first in a series of comprehensive multi-day procurement fraud training programs.

Chief Executive Officer Bonaface Megage announced that the CRB intended this program to be the beginning of a national procurement fraud initiative established to promote the early detection, prevention and prosecution of procurement fraud associated with increased contracting activity for government programs necessary to support a growing Tanzanian economy.  “In the weeks and months to come, we will be reaching out to other agencies within Tanzania and asking them for their support in our continuing efforts to eliminate fraud from the procurement process,” stated CRB’s Chairman of the Board Consolata Ngimbwa.  “We wanted to create the leading best practices contracting program in our region of the world and that is why we invited business sector leaders in the Tanzanian economy to incorporate their experiences and help us shape a fraud enforcement program that is in parity with other international programs and yet still unique to Tanzania.”
Conceived and coordinated under the capable guidance and supervision of Professor Charles Inyangete, of T-Mortgage Limited, a noted scholar, advisor and consultant on the African continent involving procurement, finance, economic policy, banking and financial risk, the conference incorporated three full days of instruction and included a final day “Master Class” that blended US case hypotheticals with Tanzanian enforcement experience.  “We were immensely pleased with the advice, counsel and three days of instruction provided by Bradford L Geyer (from GeyerGorey LLP, an American law firm based out of New York and Washington D.C. that specializes on international fraud enforcement programs, compliance and white collar defense).  “Mr. Geyer used a five year period of American experience of Overseas Contingency Operations Contracting and compared and contrasted it with the challenges we face here in Tanzania.  While doing so, he familiarized our participants with cutting edge technologies in best contracting practices and compliance that focused on competition, antitrust, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), anti-money laundering, reporting structures, document control and preservation, and risk management.”

CRB Vice Chairman Joseph Tango stated that “[Tanzanians] and the international community are committed to preserving our ethical contracting environment in Tanzania.  We recognize that the companies we need to engage desire to operate in a competitive environment that is predictable, ethical and safe from corruption. This should be a welcome call especially to European and American companies who seek to become responsible business partners in our development efforts, but it is also a warning shot to those who would seek to corrupt and pervert our system.  Currently, our system like every other on the globe faces challenges in this regard, but we stand committed to overcoming these challenges.”

The participants in the first Tanzanian Contract and Procurement Fraud Workshop were selected from inside and outside of Tanzanian government for their expertise, experience and leadership qualities and had agreed by consensus to incorporate the technologies they learned at the conference back to their home offices to share with colleagues.

GeyerGorey LLP announces partnership with FormerFedsCompliance.Com

GeyerGorey LLP announces partnership with FormerFedsCompliance.Com

GeyerGorey LLP (GeyerGorey.Com) announced today that in development partnership with FormerFedsCompliance.Com, it is offering a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Self-Assessment Module to its clients.  The Assessment Module is free to use for any company that administers the software solution through its own legal department or through GeyerGorey LLP.

GeyerGorey LLP is offering the FCPA Assessment Module as the first market deliverable assessment module as part its beta test of a FormerFedsCompliance.Com full-service compliance assessment solution that is forecasted to be released to law firms that will be selected in late Summer 2013.

The FCPA Assessment Module (available today) and software that delivers it is free and it is designed to measure FCPA risk at all levels of an organization within moments of conducting the assessment.  The secure FCPA assessment module is cloud-based and can be accessed immediately from desktops or handheld devices by all employees in an organization.  Results are tagged with customized privacy controls.  Results are measured and extensive statistical analysis is automatically performed, gaps are identified and significant problems—known as “company busters”—are immediately brought to the attention of GeyerGorey LLP for immediate follow-up by its attorneys and alliance professionals around the world.  The notifications are configured to protect the disclosure under attorney-client privilege, but GeyerGorey LLP and/or inside corporate counsel can still inform management so that it can continue to make informed decisions based on the progress of the assessment and remediation efforts.   Assessment responses can be measured and gaps can be identified and supplemental training can be targeted to problem areas.   For a reasonable licensing fee, a follow-on assessment is then performed that captures and “locks-in” programmatic improvement.  Each subsequent assessment can be customized and refined to the needs of the organization and additional customized modules can be added as needed.

The FCPA Assessment Module was designed by former American Enforcers (A/K/A”FormerFeds”) to allow companies to immediately assess their FCPA vulnerabilities with the assistance of inside legal counsel or GeyerGorey LLP.

GeyerGorey LLP can be reached at (888) 486-FEDS

FormerFeds LLC is headquartered in Cinnaminson, NJ and can be reached at [email protected] or at (609) 291-0881.

FormerFeds LLC
Suite 303
141 i Route 130 South
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

FormerFeds LLC selects GeyerGorey LLP to Beta Test Compliance system

FormerFeds LLC selects GeyerGoreyLLP to beta test Compliance system

WASHINGTON — FormerFeds LLC today announced chosen GeyerGorey LLP to beta test its revolutionary Compliance system designed and deployed by former American fraud enforcers (a/k/a “FormerFeds”).  The FormerFedsCompliance.Com compliance solution is the newest weapon in the legal community’s arsenal  that seeks to help the legal community provide a ‘redundant complex risk prevention array’ for clients that is affordable and provides automated and organized support for a company’s compliance operations overseen and administered by inside legal counsel or alliance law firms.

The FormerFeds LLC compliance assessment solution (FormerFedsCompliance.Com) is designed to be administered by inside legal counsel or outside law firms like GeyerGorey LLP to maximize attorney client privilege protections.
The FormerFedsCompliance.Com Compliance Assessment solution will provide:

  • immediate assessment and gap analysis
  • centralized, whole-of-business risk and compliance visibility and benchmarking
  • easy configuration to meet any regulatory environment in any sector
  • unique compliance portal for customized assessments and notifications
  • red flag generation and tracking system designed to protect privilege
  • cost effective, low-risk, pay-as-you-go pricing

FormerFedsCompliance.Com has developed a ‘software as a service’ compliance assessment solution that our customers can ‘fire and forget’ system that melds compliance, transparency and corporate governance into one program solution.  With the legal assistance of GeyerGorey LLP, FormerFedsCompliance.Com is developing its compliance assessment system across disciplines so that there will be no wall between various specialties within a law firm—for instance, cartel enforcement and FCPA.

GeyerGorey LLP, with offices in Washington, New York, Boston and Philadelphia, provides international and inside-the-beltway experience to individuals and companies that have become — or wish to avoid becoming — the subject of federal law enforcement agency interest.

FormerFeds LLC is headquartered in Cinnaminson, NJ and can be reached at [email protected] or at (609) 291-0881.

FormerFeds LLC
Suite 303
141 i Route 130 South
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077