Preliminary Program
Harvard European Law Association
Informal Enforcement of Competition Law: Perspectives from the U.S. And Europe
March 24, Center for European Studies, Harvard University
Welcome: Pieter-Augustijn Van Malleghem (HELA) (9-9.10)
Opening Speech: An Enforcer’s View: Prof. Jacques Steenbergen (Belgian CA), The Informal Competition Policy of the Belgian Competition Authority (9.10-9.30)
- Informal Enforcement and Cartels (9.30-10.50AM)
Chair: Prof. Jacques Steenbergen
Anna-Louise Hinds (NUI Galway), Cartel Settlement in EU Competition Law – A Potential Compliance Impact?
Niels Baeten (Linklaters), Combined Lenience/Settlement Cases as the new normal in EU Cartel Enforcement: challenges & opportunities
Georges Georgiev (UCLA), The EU’s 2013 Proposal for a Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions: A Comparative Assessment
Coffee Break: 10.50 – 11.05AM
Keynote 1: Prof. Damien Geradin (11.05-11.25AM)
- Informal Enforcement and Unilateral Conduct (11.25-12.45PM)
Chair: Prof. Damien Geradin
Giovanna Massarotto (Criterion Economics), Antitrust Enforcement – The Crucial Role of Consent Decrees
Urska Petrovcic (EUI), Antitrust Settlements in Innovative Industries – The Case of Standard Essential Patents
Yane Svetiev (UBocconi/EUI), Settling or Learning: Commitment Decisions as a New Competition Enforcement Paradigm in the EU
Lunch: 12.45-1.45PM
Keynote 2: Prof. Einer Elhauge (1.45-2.05PM)
- Alternative Approaches to Informal Enforcement (2.05-3.25PM)
Chair: prof. E. Elhauge
Maurice Stucke (UTK), In Search of Effective Ethics & Compliance Programs
Matthew Jennejohn (BYU), Innovating Merger Review Outcomes
Mislav Mataija, (Uzagreb/EUI), Regulating the Regulators through Competition Law: Voluntary Private Regulation as an Alternative to Direct Enforcement?
Coffee Break: 3.25-3.40PM
- Informal Enforcement: A Legitimate Tool? (3.40-5PM)
Chair: Prof. D. Geradin
Damien Gerard, (UCLouvain/CGSH), Negotiated Remedies in the modernization era: the limits of effectiveness
Florian Wagner von Papp (UCL), Out-Lawing Antitrust
Georges Vallindas (ECJ), Is a Triple Cheeseburger easy to eat? EU’s Architecture facing non-litigation competition enforcement
Closing Remarks: Prof. Damien Geradin