By on January 19th, 2013. This post currently has no responses.

Guest Columnist Al Scott, CFE: Emerging Health Care Fraud: Schemes Go Beyond Medicare, Medicaid Fraud (Part 1 of 2)

In part 1 of 2 parts, Guest Columnist Al Scott, CFE, principal for NSD Bio Group LLC in Philadelphia, Pa., describes lesser-known but emerging health care frauds, including schemes involving fraudulent treatments, cures and devices, and crimes involving the manufacture, sale or distribution of unapproved FDA-regulated products. In part 2, he describes Chinese emerging enforcement approaches.

The opinions expressed in this column aren’t necessarily those of GeyerGorey LLP.  Special thanks to Fraud Magazine for authorizing us to republish Al’s work— ed.

Nov-Dec ’12 Fraud Magazine Rx for Fraud column – Emerging Health Care Fraud


You can email Al at [email protected]